Earn The
Shortwave DX Monitor Certificate!
Sponsored By:
HHI: Halligan's Hallicrafters International
Duane Fischer W8DBF/WPE8CXO
You can qualify for an attractive, suitable-for-framing certificate by logging and verifying international short-wave stations. How many? From 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 or more countries. Confirmation may be by QSL, post card or letter.
Now this is no ordinary ho hum certificate! The borders show actual SW QSL cards I received from 1961-1962 with full color and readable text. The certificate is on a high quality semi-gloss paper with a sort of water mark drawing of the legendary Hallicrafters SX-28 receiver forming the background. The text is overlaid to form a truly beautiful, and absolutely unique, certificate. This is one you will be proud to display! So stop wasting time, get listening!
The contest began on October 15, 1999 and runs until December 31, 2008. All entries must be postmarked no later than December 31st, 2008. If demand warrants, the contest will be continued indefinitely.
Applicants may use 50% old and 50% new station verifications. Which means, if you are trying for a 50 country certificate, 25 countries may be dated prior to October 15, 1999 and 25 must be dated later than October 15, 1999. Hence, your hard earned QSL verifications from years gone by can still be used here.
All entrants are encouraged to use a vintage tube type receiver. Such as a Hallicrafters, Drake, Hammarlund etc. However, there is a category for solid state modern receivers also. Our goal is to encourage short-wave listening and we wish to exclude no listener because of their use of solid instead of hollow state!
When a listener has logged and verified their chosen number of countries, they should submit the list to the contest administrator, Duane Fischer W8DBF. This list may be submitted by e-mail or regular mail. Please see the addresses shown at the bottom.
Submit your list of countries with station name, frequency, time in UTC and date. Be sure to include your return address, type of receiver used, Amateur Radio or SWL call sign and check for $7.50 in USA funds. Entries will be processed and mailed out within one week of receipt.
The names of all listeners receiving a certificate will be published on the SWL reflector: swl@mailman.qth.net, the HHI web site at: www.w9wze.net, and hopefully in CQ and QST magazines.
There are no country restrictions. As long as the verification bears the name of the country, date and listener's name, that is sufficient.
You do not have to submit the actual QSL cards or letters as proof. We are trusting your honesty that you have verified the countries named on your log submission.
Please direct all questions to -
Duane Fischer W8DBF (WPE8CXO)
E-Mail: swl-am-dx@w9wze.net
Or Mail To -
HHI SW Certificate
Duane Fischer W8DBF
5028 Merit Drive
Flint, MI 48506-2127
Thanks for participating! Good DX and may the waves of short besiege your antenna!
This page last updated 9 Nov 2006.